Tuesday, August 3, 2010


sister rinchen just came in and told me a little story about a "chillip" who requested his pay (and then some), then on saturday requested to have a half day off to move in to his new apartment...got the approval and then proceeded to bunk! he's been missing since he got his check! someone reported seeing him crossing the border to jaigaon from phuentsholing...but no one is really sure where he is...


this story follows a story i heard yesterday about two other "chillips" who got locked up the day their flight was leaving paro. they blocked their neighbor's gate to keep the dog in the yard (an attempt at some sort of poetic justice) and were stopped at the checkpoint between thimphu and paro, brought back to thimphu and held long enough for them to miss their flight out of bhutan!


crazy "chillips".